Exploring the Impact of AI on Student Connection and Belonging

In the ever-evolving landscape of EdTech, one question has risen to the top: Can Artificial Intelligence truly replace the power of human interaction? Join us for a panel webinar on Wednesday, August 2nd at 12 PM MDT as we explore AI and its impact on student relationships, belonging, and the educational experience.

During this time, Dr. Andrew Feldstein, Assistant Provost for Teaching Innovation and Learning Technologies at Fort Hays State University, and Daniel Robinson, Director and Academic Unit Head, Adult Degree Program at James Madison University will share their individual insights into the significance of human connection and the invaluable role it plays in education, even in the era of AI.

Attendees can expect to hear about:

  • the diverse relationships institutions are cultivating between AI and students.

  • the landscape of emerging AI tools and technologies in education.

  • the balance between instant access to knowledge and fostering authentic relationships.

  • the critical role of human connection beyond a student's institutional journey.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to expand your understanding of AI's impact on education. If you're unable to attend the live event, register and we'll make sure you receive the recording for future reference.

WebinarDanielle Bonner